Moneo has many years of experience in successful preparation of the complete documentation which will accompany the loan application submitted to commercial banks, HBOR and HAMAG.
Companies need fresh capital in order to finance investment in sustainable development and to survive on the market. Therefore, it is important that the capital coming from loans is subsided with the lowest interest rate possible and an acceptable loan repayment period.
The lender will define the loan terms and appurtenant documentation in their programmes.
An investment study, i.e. a business plan is the key part of the documentation as it clearly defines the subject-matter of the investment, the amount and the source of grant needed for the project, the financial and other impacts of investment, project risks, all project shareholders etc.
The plan allows the investor to evaluate the eligibility of the business idea and the feasibility of the project initiation while the banks and other potential financiers use it to evaluate the risks of the return on investment, project’s ability to generate profit, project’s sustainability and similar.
We will prepare the documentation and draft an investment study or a business plan together with the client and submit it with the loan application to the lender. Once the loan is approved, we will closely monitor the client’s disposal of loan funds and provide further business analysis.
As a client-oriented company, we will handle your projects as if they were our own.
At Moneo, we focus on in-house training programmes in order to tackle new challenges and provide our clients with the best advice and top service.
There are many success stories of our long-term clients who have, with our help, improved all of their business segments, increased the number of employees and thus contributed to the development of their immediate and wider community.