
We provide world-class expertise for next-level results.


A team of highly qualified professionals will help you maximise the potential for your projects to succeed by helping you address each element of project preparation and implementation.


Reliability and quality services are the driving force of changes that will take your business from strive to thrive.
Success rate
Renowned clients
Certificates of Excellence
Qualified employees
Working together, growing together

25 years of

Make use of our knowledge and skills based on many years of experience and a highly skilled team of experts who will help you maximise the potential for your projects to succeed.

Kata Jurčević, CEO

Moneo d.o.o.
Moneo Ltd. - certificates
Moneo d.o.o.
Moneo d.o.o.
Feel appreciated and rewarded

Fully committed
to our clients

We are a trustworthy consultant. Thanks to our broad range of knowledge and many years of experience, we stay with our clients every step of the way, from the beginning to the end of the project.
Our fields of expertise

Our services

At Moneo, we support our clients from the initial business idea to project development and implementation. First, we will analyse our clients’ options and then together select only the best solutions for them.
We will prepare a complete documentation to be submitted with your business loan application.
We will prepare a complete concession tender documentation.
We offer our clients a return on investment calculation to help them make the right decision.
In order to optimise our clients’ business operations, we will navigate them through an intricate system of tax regulations.
We provide high-quality accounting services.
We try to help our clients understand options, advantages and disadvantages in order to reach the right business decision.
We provide technical assistance for the preparation of tender documentation and project implementation.
Consulting & guidance
Planning & implementation
Strategy & analysis
Krilo shipping company d.o.o.
S+B Systemtechnik d.o.o.
Cornaro Hotel
Hotel Fanat
Hotel Mirjam
Posvećeni Vašem poslovanju

Mi slušamo, vi napredujete

Moneo d.o.o.

Expert guidance

As a client-oriented company, we will handle your projects as if they were our own. We dedicate a lot of attention to in-house training programmes in order to keep up with new challenges and to provide the best advice and top services to our clients.
Client satisfaction rate96%
Project success rate98%

Contact us

Our team of experts will gladly provide you with all the necessary information and assist you with drafting documentation for a quality implementation of your project.
Request feedback
Since the beginning, our core priorities have remained constant. We want to help companies increase their ROI, accelerate their business growth, ensure a successful business future and gain lasting competitiveness in the industry.

    Visit us
    Put Supavla 1
    21 000 Split
    Email us
    Call us
    021 380 626
    021 380 813

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    Moneo Ltd. business consulting  |  Put Supavla 1, 21 000 Split, Croatia  |  Company Reg. no. / MB: 2162342  |  Personal Identification Number / OIB: 36825933202
    Tel: +385 21 380 813; +385 21 380 626  |  Fax: +385 21 380 850  |  E-mail:
    Decision issued by the Commercial Court in Split: Tt-13/4795-2  | Share capital: 90,240.00 EUR paid in full
    IBAN: HR6123600001101977084 (ZABA)

    © Moneo Ltd. | All rights reserved.

    © Moneo Ltd. | All rights reserved.